Good Morning Everyone!
So this is my first post on my new blog Baker's Wild. I decided to begin documenting some of the things I do relating to baking & pastry, travel, and other miscellaneous things that I deem worth writing about at the moment. I hope you enjoy and if you ever have any questions or ideas, I'm welcome to suggestions.
Just as a quick introduction, My name is Nathan. I currently work as a pastry chef and I absolutely love my job. Even with all the cons to working in the hospitality industry, it is something that I truly enjoy. Long hours and backbreaking work are what make it so interesting and you get to meet so many people from all walks of life. Whether it be the guests I have served or the people I have worked with, there is an interesting story to be heard from all. Every person lives and experiences life in different ways and through conversation you are able to peer into a whole different world from yours, even if it is for a brief moment. This leads me into another topic. Traveling. I love it. The experiences I have had traveling are ones that I will cherish for a lifetime. Every time I travel, either in the US or abroad, I grow as a person and gain knowledge that would not have been possible otherwise. Every culture, and more specifically, every person you meet is a treasure-trove of information waiting to be tapped. Maybe I look at the world through rose colored glasses and try not to accentuate the negatives, but I'm perfectly fine with that. Have your head in the clouds, but your feet firmly planted in the ground. Always understand the reality, but do not forget the potential we all have within us. A positive outlook on life is all it takes to turn yourself around and truly enjoy what you have been given.
So enough of that positive and hopeful rant, time to get to business. Here is a quick list of things I hope to add to this blog...
-Recipes with trial and errors included
-Baking and cooking tips
-Posts on my travels
-Philosophical questions and ideas that come to mind at work while decorating cakes that I then come home and write down
-Miscellaneous other stuff...
Thanks everyone!